Semi-Automatic Stitching Line For Wooden Crates

The installation shows a line composed by Corali M125 and M262 machines, used to Semi-automatically assemble of wooden crates.

This example facility shows a combination of Corali M125 and M262, with some complementary devices as conveyors, bottom feeder, etc.

This type of system is ideal for manufacturers who want to scale from a manual system to a semi-automatic one that allows them to increase their production without using excessive labor; and making a moderate investment in machinery.

The line shown in the video is made up of second-hand machines and devices from various manufacturers. We also offer the possibility of refurbishing/Tune-up this type of machinery, providing “like new machine” status at a reduced price.

Visit the video for better understanding of the operation and funcionality.

To check the availability of any system similar to the one shown, please contact us.
